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Why Give?

St Patrick's Parish relies entirely on you to keep doing what we do;

we believe that the Christian community is the perfect antidote to the constant pulls of modern living

- a solid foundation in an ever changing world.

blossom at church.JPG

How to Give

Many people find giving online the simplest and easiest way to arrange their support of the parish.

If you would like to set up a Standing Order the details to provide your bank with are as follows:



IBAN IE96 BOFI 9011 3214 2066 32


These details can also be used for making a once-off donation via bank transfer. Cash or cheques can be posted or handed in to the Parish Office at;

St Patrick's Church

Church Road


Co Wicklow

A63 WK71

Image by Neal E. Johnson

Give because God asks you to

The most generous givers are notably our long standing members - we are very reliant on this support. We encourage our newer, younger members to engage with this vital part of membership and belonging in St Patrick's Parish.

Jesus tells us to give. His message is that what we have, we have received from God, and we are to use it for God's glory. In the New Testament we see the first Christians sharing their possessions, giving to those in need and supporting the work of God out of their own money.

Giving changes us. It takes our eyes off our own desires and makes us a part of God's greater purpose in the world. 


This church is growing

Our parish is a hub of activity; we carry out visits to care homes, schools, hospitals and housebound parishioners. 

Our parent and toddler mornings reach over 70 local families, our Bugle Club caters for 9 - 12 years and Young Life for older teens. Our daily worship, Bible studies, Alpha Course and Parenting course bring many together. We host over 100 children in our Sunday Seekers programme and 60 at our annual holiday club.

If giving decreases we will not be able to sustain the above ministries.

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