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The Christian Community which worships in St Patrick’s Church is part of the Church of Ireland, which is Episcopal, and a province of the world-wide family of the Anglican Communion.  
It is the aim of the parish to encourage and nurture all age groups within its life and worship, and to enable and equip its members to go out into the community as witnesses for Christ and His gospel. 
We believe that worship is the powerhouse from which flows all else in the life of the parish.  Our doors are always open, in welcome, to those who wish to join with us in that worship, or who desire to share the fellowship of our parish community.



The Christian Community which worships in St Patrick’s Church is part of the Church of Ireland, which is Episcopal, and a province of the world-wide family of the Anglican Communion.  
It is the aim of the parish to encourage and nurture all age groups within its life and worship, and to enable and equip its members to go out into the community as witnesses for Christ and His gospel. 
We believe that worship is the powerhouse from which flows all else in the life of the parish.  Our doors are always open, in welcome, to those who wish to join with us in that worship, or who desire to share the fellowship of our parish community.

An up-to-date online version of the Constitution is available on the Church or Ireland website

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Canon David Mungavin

David came to Greystones in 2009 with Pauline and family from Scotland. 

For information regarding marriages and baptisms, please contact the Rector.

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Lay Minister

Frank Connolly



We aim to be encouraging and welcoming to all and would be happy to advise with any enquiries. Please contact the Rector or the Parish Office.

Sunday Seekers (on other Sundays) welcomes children aged 4 and above. We also have a crèche for under 4’s.
Coffee is served after every 10.30am service in the Swann Hall. Our All Age Service is on the fourth Sunday of the month – it is a good opportunity for children, parents and senior members alike to worship together. 

Baptisms, confirmation, weddings and funerals are naturally at the heart of our church life.

Every Wednesday morning Holy Communion is celebrated at 10.30 am.
This is followed by coffee to which all are very welcome.

One of the best ways to get to know others in the church is through volunteering. Join our welcome or hospitality team, volunteer in our children’s or youth ministry (Garda vetting required), or find out if you can help with an upcoming parish event.
We also need volunteers for Sunday readings, for the distribution of the Parish Press, and for other ministries. Whatever your skills are, there’s something you can get involved in.



Rector: Canon David Mungavin


St. Patrick's Church, Greystones is part of the Church of Ireland Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough. The Church of Ireland is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, with some 300,000 members throughout the island of Ireland, and over 80 million worldwide.

(01) 201 0648


Church Road,


Co. Wicklow

To give via Bank Transfer:


IBAN: IE96 BOFI 9011 3214 2066 32


The United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough is a registered charity.
Reg Charity No: 20015251 – CHY7249



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